Year-round Tree and Shrub Care in Portsmouth

Say goodbye to brown, withered leaves and hello to vibrant, healthy foliage. Our team of experts knows exactly what your trees and shrubs need to thrive every season.

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Fast and Friendly Treatments

Tree Care in Portsmouth, VA 

When caring for your home's outdoor environment, don't overlook the importance of your ornamental trees and shrubs. A healthy and beautiful landscape adds value to your property and creates a welcoming atmosphere. Our six-cycle treatment plan ensures that your trees and shrubs are protected and healthy throughout the year.

Benefits of our shrub and tree service in Portsmouth:

  • Improved growth
  • Enhanced lawn appearance and feel
  • Better tolerance to environmental stresses
  • Resistance to disease
  • Extended lifespan of trees and shrubs

Don't settle for a lackluster landscape. Invest in the health and beauty of your outdoor environment and enjoy a stunning landscape all year round. Contact us today to learn more and schedule a consultation.

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Level Up Your Landscape With Our 6-Step Process 

With our comprehensive tree and shrub service, we take the time to educate you on the condition of your landscape and recommend the best treatment plan for your specific needs. Our team of trained professionals follows a six-cycle treatment plan, including horticultural oil application, fertilization, and insecticide/fungicide treatments. We also offer free retreatments to ensure your satisfaction.

Here's how it works:

  • Round 1: We begin the cycle by applying horticultural oil, which effectively suffocates insect larvae and other pests that overwinter.
  • Round 2:  Next, we use pre-emergent fertilizers to protect your trees and shrubs from crabgrass and select annual weeds.
  • Rounds 3, 4, and 5: A set of comprehensive treatments is offered to protect your ornamentals from insects, mites, and fungus, ensuring their well-being.
  • Round 6: To complete the cycle, we apply specific fertilizers that promote growth and vibrant, healthy blooms in the upcoming spring season.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If you're not satisfied, our guarantee ensures that we will revisit and re-treat your ornamentals as needed. ALM is committed to the well-being of your yard, making us Portsmouth's top tree and shrub care company.

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Local Experts in Portsmouth for 20+ Years

As a local business established in 1998, we are dedicated to improving our community's green spaces. We strive to provide high-quality products, excellent customer service, and a satisfaction guarantee. Experience the ALM difference today!


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5 Star Review

I've been a customer with ALM for more than 15 years - The owner is the best you get more of a Personal Touch than you do with the mainstream franchise services. My lawn looks so good everybody on my street now uses ALM!!!

5 Star Review

ALM is the best service that you can have for your lawn care. They would explain the process from the beginning of your lawn maintenance but you have to be patient with them to receive the right treatment for your lawn. Don’t rush things out and just let them do their job. They’re the best ones in the field.

Rami Samaan
5 Star Review

I cannot say enough positive things about the quality and expertise of ALM and their technicians! I have utilized their service for years, and they have never let me down. They keep my grass green and the weeds away, and their personable staff always provide great feedback about the status of my lawn after their service. I find their prices to be reasonable and less expensive than doing it myself; I’d definitely recommend ALM!

Stephen W.
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